The WWD 2022 theme is Trees for Good, and the sub-themes are Challenges, Opportunities, Sustainability.
"Trees for Good" is a continuation of the 2021 theme "CO2 & Wood" and a spin-off of "Wood is Good." The sub-themes "Challenges, Opportunities, Sustainability" relate to life, social, heritage, industry and the environment.
We depend on forest trees for tackling global climate change and to arrest global warming, as forests (especially trees) are super efficient natural carbon sinks converting atmospheric carbon dioxide to produce wood of trees while releasing oxygen during this photosynthesis. Therefore the challenge today among nations for forest trees to be managed well to provide sustainable forest resources. Among the world's forest resources, the threats and challenges to the sustainability in the tropical forests takes precedence. Several issues concerning the importance of trees and forests are also opportunities to be harnessed to fulfill global needs for a greener society where global climate change would be mitigated (via increased forest cover) while greater use is made also of substitution forest products (instead of alternative metal, concrete and plastic products).
With the continuation of the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, the 2022 WWD will once again be virtual with a vast array of programs as well as many regional events in different parts of the world.