Tree Planting

A momentous tree-planting event was held inside Angkor on the morning of March 23rd. After the commemorative photo taken at the Angkor Wat, Angkor Thom, and the Elephant Terrace, co-organizers and participants thankfully and carefully planted 200 trees of local species (Kra Nhoung, Dalbergia cochinchinensis Pierre) at the site of Phum Leang Dai, Khum Leang Dai, Srok Angkor Thom, Siem Reap. Also, both WWDF and IWCS have jointly contributed 10,000 trees of Beng (Afzelia xylocarpa (Kurz) Craib.), Neang Noun (Dalbergia bariensis Pierre), Kra Nhoung, Koki Thmor (Hopea ferria Laness), Koki Dek (Hopea helferi Dyer.), Koki Msav (Hopea odorata Roxb), Koki Khsach (Hopea pierrei Hance), Thnong (Pterocarpus macrocarpus Kurz) to the tree-planting event in May at the National Park in Prah Vihea Province.




tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting
tree planting

World Wood Day