
Free Tour in Kathmandu

Kathmandu, a 2,000-year-old historical city, is the cultural and economic hub of Nepal. It is a blend of ancient architecture and temples along with modern roads and buildings which draws floods of visitors every year. A day tour arranged by Nepal’s Tourism Board on 26 March will offer a great opportunity for all 2016 World Wood Day participants to look around this beautiful city.

Self- Funding Tour in Nepal (optional)

Nepal is recommended as the top of 10 must- see countries this year by a leading travel publishers. Several self- funding tour packages, which are managed by a travel agency, will be provided to all of our guests after event. Please take a look of the itineraries and choose either one of them if you wish to go sightseeing on your own cost.

2- Day tour (Kathmandu)                               27th- 28th March
3- Day tour (Lumbini- Kathmandu)                 27th-29th March
3- Day tour (Pokhara- Kathmandu)                 27th-29th March
5- Day tour (Chitwan- Lumbini- Kathmandu)  27th-31st March
5- Day tour (Pokhara- Kathmandu)                 27th-31st March

*fee is subject to itinerary and number of participants*

World Wood Day