Live Stream Concerts

Live streaming performances on March 21-23, staged beside forests and each group will introduce their unique music instruments, playing techniques and interact with the audience on live chat. Pre-recorded promotional videos will also be broadcasted during the event.

- Each band will provide at least one pre-recorded music video.

- The live performances to be staged in or beside a forest or a park with trees.

- During live performances, the bands will speak about their instruments in detail, demonstrate playing techniques, the construction, the sound, the material, and interact with the live chat. Song/music requests may be allowed for more engaging online interaction. 

*Pre-recorded music video: Audio can be recorded indoor or in a studio.

*Live stream: If the band members can not perform together at the same place. Zoom Meeting might be a choice for performances that require less precision. A strong stable internet connection is also a must.

*Pre-recorded music video: If the band members can not perform together at the same place. The band members can record their own parts individually in a studio or at home, then mix them all together.

After the music recording is done, all band members should record a video of them pretending to be performing the music recording with a forest/park or trees in the background.

*Bands can use their old recordings and just record videos with a forest/park or trees in the background pretending to be performing the music recordings.





World Wood Day