
The 2021 World Wood Day Virtual Symposium and The Third IUFRO Forest Products Culture Colloquium



CO2 & Wood: Carbon Capture and Storage in Forests, Wood and Non-Wood Products


21-22 March, 2021


The 2021 World Wood Day Virtual Symposium and The Third IUFRO Forest Products Culture Colloquium was held online for the first time due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Approximately 850 participants and audiences from 51 countries and regions joined on Zoom, YouTube and bilibili (Mainland China) from March 21-22. 39 presentations including 9 keynote speeches delivered by 41 speakers and moderated by 7 session chairs have well explored the six topics covering a wide range of research fields including carbon storage and the climate change mitigation, constructions and protection needs, furniture and musical instruments, education on sustainability and wood culture, challenges for sustainability in forest-wood chain, and wood biotechnology. The discussion and exchange of ideas were carried out both orally and in text at the online platforms.


The background to this 2021 World Wood Day Symposium in cooperation with the Third IUFRO Forest Products Culture Colloquium is to emphasize the importance that harvested long-lived forest products (wood and non-wood materials) play in mitigating climate change particularly as stored wood-based carbon products that society values. Wood is a natural renewable raw material and is derived from CO2. Carbon is exchanged naturally between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere, whereby wood is formed by photosynthesis of CO2 and water. One cubic meter of wood can correspond to the reduction of the CO2 emission from fossil fuels up to 1.1 tons.

Since the Kyoto Protocol when only forests were the essential carbon sinks for climate change mitigation, wood, and likely non-wood, products are now recognized to have complementary roles. As with forest management and conservation efforts to secure long-lived carbon sinks in forests, various efforts are also being made to secure the carbon sink effectiveness as well as the fossil fuel substitution effects of harvested wood products in climate change mitigation.

Society needs to cultivate a deep sense of cultural appreciation on the benefits of wood and non-wood products. Various strategies are needed to secure the long-lived carbon storage effectiveness of forest products through research and innovations in forest products technology as well as educational aspects concerning wood and forest culture.


  1. Carbon Capture and Storage in Forests, Wood and Non-Wood Forest Products
  2. Wood in Construction and Buildings Including Wood Durability and Protection Needs
  3. Building Components, Furniture, Musical Instruments, Artifacts Manufacturing and Design
  4. Education on Sustainable Forests, Forest Products Utilization and Wood Culture
  5. Challenges for Sustainability in the Forest-Wood Chain
  6. Wood Products and Wood Biotechnology (IAWS Special Session)

This symposium is co-organized by the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), International Academy of Wood Science (IAWS), International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) Division 5 (Forest Products) including IUFRO Research Unit 5.15.00 (Forest Products Culture), IUFRO Research Unit 9.03.02 (Forest Culture) of Division 9 (Forest Policy and Economics), Estonian State Forest Management Centre (RMK), and with the support of International Association of Wood Anatomists (IAWA), International Society of Wood Science and Technology (SWST), International Research Group on Wood Protection (IRGWP) as well as The Japan Wood Research Society (JWRS), and under the sponsorship of The Korean Society of Wood Science and Technology (KSWST)


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Please send any inquiry by email to symposium secretariat (



Please download schedule here: AEST / Central Daylight Time / CET / China Standard Time / EDT / GMT / JST / KST / NZDT / PDT   



WWD 2021, Symposium, Virtual, CO2 & Wood
WWD 2021, Symposium, Virtual, CO2 & Wood
WWD 2021, Symposium, Virtual, CO2 & Wood

World Wood Day