
2020 WWD Symposium and the 3rd IUFRO Forest Products Culture Research Group Colloquium
Second Call for Papers and Posters- abstract submission extended to 31st January, 2020.

Date: March 20-22
Venue: Sky Hall, Bunkyo Civic Centre, Tokyo

Theme: Legacy and Innovation of Wood

  1. Historical and Cultural Values of Wood and Forest Utilization
  2. Wooden Architecture- Construction, Preservation and Restoration
  3. Wood-Based Artifacts, Furniture, Musical Instruments and Design
  4. The Innovation of Wood and Non-Wood Forest Products
  5. Education for Environment and Sustainability


Paper and Poster submissions on related topics are highly welcomed. Submitted abstracts are limited to 400 words overall. Due date for electronic submission of speaker registration form Word/PDF is January 31, 2020. Please contact program coordinator ( for any inquiry.


World Wood Day